Lena Dunham Apologizes to Her Mom for Ruining Her India Trip


Remember when Lena Dunham went on a spiritual trip to India and ended up leaving early because she was overwhelmed by all of the germs and stray dogs? It turns out that she was eaten up with guilt about how the trip ended and how she treated her mother Laurie Simmons during the ordeal.

Dunham shared an email she sent to her mother shortly after the trip with We Think Alone, a project started by artist Miranda July that collected personal emails from celebrities like Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Kirsten Dunst.

The message reads in part:

I’ve been thinking constantly about the way I acted leaving India, how hurtful and irresponsible it was. You were nothing but sympathetic to my challenges and I did not show you the same kindness. As happy as I am to be home, I can’t feel good knowing how I must have made you feel and I only ask for the chance for us to talk about it and for me to apologize in person. It’s more than just wanting things to be okay between us- you’re my mother and I need you.

You can read the entire missive at The Gloss.

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