Comedian Prateek Srivastava (aka Petite Sriracha) On The Topic Of A Black James Bond

Recently, the author of the next James Bond novel dismissed fan favorite Idris Elba as “too street” an actor to portray Agent 007, a reference that some people took as code for “too black.” Other critics of the idea of Elba as Bond, like Rush Limbaugh, have been more explicit and had no need for code. In this video clip, comedian Prateek Srivastava shares his encounter with an audience member who belongs to the Rush Limbaugh school of film criticism.

For more of Srivastava’s set, watch a longer clip on YouTube. Together with Sameena Mustafa and Rishika Murthy, Srivastava produces Simmer Brown, a podcast and a monthly comedy showcase. Check them out on Facebook or Twitter for more information.


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