It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s a desi superhero! Stan Lee’s first desi superhero animation project launches November 30. Sadly, it will only be airing in India. The show, titled Chakra: The Invincible, centers around a Mumbai boy named Raju who dons a suit that…activates the chakras of the human body and gives him superpowers. Really, Stan Lee? Really? This was the best you could do? Okay, but I’m holding my breath on this one. [Variety]
RIP Krishna Shah. Krishna Shah, filmmaker of cult classics like Hard Rock Zombies, passed away at the age of 75 on October 13 in Mumbai, India. The auteur also worked on Evil Laugh, Ted & Venus, American Drive-In and a number of other Hollywood films. In addition to his film work, Shah was also involved in both on and off-Broadway plays, TV serials in both India and America — and among numerous other projects — a Bollywood film. [Variety]
Boy Uses Google Earth to Find Home. Okay, fine Google Earth. Just take our hearts, already. You really must watch this adorable ad of an Australian-Indian man who used Google Earth to find his home 25 years after he was adopted at the age of 5. Excuse me while I go away and sob into this hankie. [Devour] [h/t @SpaceAbhi]
They could have at least done a better job incorporating Chakras into his suit. Also, the real utility would be having an Indian-American superhero, not a Stan Lee export.