Newly employed in the health administration field, Benita Abraham of Long Beach, California, has a lot to celebrate. She shared the good news of her job offer on Facebook by creating a fun set of photos shot with the help of friends. Thousands of people have shared the hilarious pics done in a style often seen with engagement or wedding photos.
Why did this new employee, who just started her job this week, decide to announce her new status in this hilarious way? In Benita’s own words, “I just think there are so many other things to celebrate, and I just think it should be done.”
Watch the video of her interview with to hear her tell how the idea for the photo shoot came up, her thoughts on sharing the excitement of her new job, and what she and her sister think of the haters who have cropped up since her photos went viral.
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Pavani Yalamanchili is an editor at The Aerogram. Find her on Twitter at @_pavani, and follow The Aerogram at @theaerogram and on Facebook.